Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The first year in community college

It certainly has been an interesting first year, thinking back on how afraid I was to even try this. Apparently you can teach an old dog new tricks. The electives have been no trouble at all, workload wise. Life experiences have served me well with ample material to rely on. The technical courses have been a little harder. Not so much from a new information standpoint, as I an pretty comfortable with new technologies. But trying to remember it all, sheesh!
I've picked up quite a bit of knowledge on HTML, CSS, java script, and multimedia. But I'm going to have to keep at it so I can master them if they're going to be any use to me. And I hope they will, when I either launch a new business or seek gainful employment.
Everyone at Kennebec Community College (KVCC) in fairfield, Maine have made it so much easier seeking a new education. Thanks!

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